Kärolyn Huum

Kärolyn Huum

Original ART

” I believe that we all have some kind of pain. However, this does not necessarily mean suffering.
I use my negative emotions and pain and create something beautiful into this World instead.”

Kärolyn's story

 Resilience and Artistic Transformation: Kärolyn’s journey from a life-changing car accident to becoming a self-taught artist showcases immense resilience. The way she has harnessed the power of art to heal, find purpose, and share inspiration with others is truly inspiring.

 Embracing Discomfort and Personal Growth: Kärolyn’s willingness to confront uncomfortable situations and emotions, from facing the aftermath of her accident to exploring her artistic talents, highlights her commitment to personal growth and self-discovery. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s ability to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity.

 Self-Love and Self-Discovery: Through her artistic journey, Kärolyn has discovered the importance of self-acceptance and self-love. She has learned to embrace both her strengths and weaknesses, recognizing that it’s within these vulnerabilities that personal growth and new experiences thrive.


   Kärolyn’s story is a powerful example of how resilience, art, and self-discovery can intersect to create a deeply meaningful and inspiring life journey.


Customers reviews

"Her painting of water beneath the surface, showing the dance of light on the floor brought me instantly into my favorite place!I Cculd watch that moment of water and light for hours! I also don’t have a place to swim in winter, so I wanted her beautiful print to bring me to that magical place throughout the year. I keep it in a frame directly across from where I paint, and I look at it hundreds of times a day, and I feel the rapture of swimming, just by looking at her creation! Thank you! 🙏🏽🥰♥️💫"
Jacquelyn Salvaggio
"EPIC! I love the colors and how true they look. It gets my imagination going. Also affordable."
Brett Mullins
“Her artwork is gorgeous and I want to buy all the paintings!! They make me feel at peace! When I look at her artwork I feel like I am actually at the scene! They are romantic and serene 🥰
Sydney Jones-Jackson

If you are interested in original art, please send an email to krhuum@gmail.com


    About The Artist

    ” I believe that we all have some kind of pain. However, this does not necessarily mean suffering. I use my negative emotions and pain and create something beautiful into this World instead.”
    Kärolyn Huum The Artist